New AI System Writes Next GAME OF THRONES Novel

New AI System Writes Next GOT Novel

Can't wait to find out what happens next in the Game of Thrones? A new artificial intelligence system has written the first five chapters of the next book of the popular fantasy series

The TV show Game of Thrones, which is based on the George R R Martin' book series 'A Song of Ice and Fire', has gained widespread popularity worldwide. The show's seventh season recently aired its last episode, and the fans will now have to wait till 2019 to know what happens next to their favourite characters.

Martin is currently working on the sixth novel of the book series 'The Winds of Winter'. Zach Thoutt, a software engineer in the US, trained an artificial intelligence (AI) system to predict the events of the sixth novel using the characters from the fictional Seven Kingdoms of Westeros.

So far the AI has generated the first five chapters of the book after adding the 5,376 pages of the first five novels in the series. "I start each chapter by giving it a prime word, which I always used as a character name, and tell it how many words after that to generate," Thoutt said.

"I wanted to do chapters for specific characters like in the books, so I always used one of the character names as the prime word, there is no editing other than supplying the network that first prime word," he said.

The AI is able to write mostly readable sentences, although the story does not make sense at times, the "Motherboard" reported. 
